Saturday, November 21, 2009

August, Part 1: HP & Felicity's Birthday

Just days before Felicity's birthday, we moved into Happy Place.

Ariel named it. We'd been living in my brother's bedroom for three weeks, and when we finally got a place of our own, Ariel refused to leave without a fight for three days.

"I want to stay in my happy place!" she would scream, flailing as I dragged her out the door for some necessary appointment. It was an offer of Taco Bell on the third day that was finally met without protest, but rather a suspicious glance and cautious, "Okay..."

The name was convenient, because when I said "home," Ariel always had to ask which home. To her, we had four homes: our old house, Grandma's house, the beach house (where we had gone that first weekend), and now our new place. Making the "Happy Place" title official made it a lot easier to tell her where we were going next, a question that she has asked pretty much constantly since learning to speak.

Of course, an official name deserves a place of honor, like the dining room wall:

Felicity's birthday came quickly, and while I had little time or energy, I wasn't going to let it slip by uncelebrated. Mom hosted, and I baked a cake. M&M decorations disguised my inability to do anything tedious (well, that is, anything in addition to the mounds of paperwork I was dealing with).

While everyone was arriving, Felicity amused herself by doing gymnastics on the couch and playing peek-a-boo with anyone who dared look at her.

Ariel was eager for the cake!

Felicity put forth a valiant effort blowing out the candles, though in the end it was a cooperative achievement.

Anyone who knows Felicity well will not be surprised that she cared much more about picking off and eating individual M&Ms than about the cake itself.

What comes after cake? Presents, naturally! Preferably while snuggling up in Mommy's lap.

She even tried on a shirt from Daddy - that is, tried it on her legs...

Few things are as exhausting as a party. Can you blame her? I was jealous, personally.

Thanks to everyone who helped make this day special!


  1. Just may need a housewarming for your Butterfly Bungalow you have there....

  2. That would be so much fun, Tim, and I've thought about doing something like that, but I just don't know... I haven't released my address to anyone but a few of my very closest friends. Not even the DMV or Post Office has my real address. I dunno... I hate having to worry about things like that...

  3. jen, you should just have tim over for a housewarming. the two of you, some mixed drinks... could be super fun! i'm jealous at the very thought, actually.

    these pics are really great! that was a fun day! i still can't believe she's already 2. i'll never forget the moment she was born....


  4. Alright Jenni...I know you are busy but I think it's time for another post. Love you chica and can't wait to get together after we get home.
